Sunday, July 19, 2015


Room 1 has really grown - eight children have joined us this term.  We are very excited and look forward to lots of learning, fun and whatever else comes our way!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Firewise - Some stories from Room 1...

Honk! Honk! The fire brigade came to our school to show us how to keep safe when there’s a fire.  When there’s a fire shout out “Fire! Fire! Fire!”
In the olden days they used red and blue lights to say get out of the way.
When there’s a fire, get down, get low and don’t go back in the burning house.   If there is a fire and you are trapped, feel the door and see if there’s a fire. If there is a fire call 111.

The alarm makes this noise “ weeellll, weeelll, weeellll” until the fire stops.
By Rylee
9 June 2015

Today the fire fighters came to my classroom.  They told me about fire safety.  If there are lighters or matches lying around you must give them to an adult.  If there is a candle near a surface, curtain or a blanket it could start a fire and the smoke will rise up to the smoke detector. Beep! Beep! Beep! If there’s a fire call 111 for the fire truck and the police will come and the ambulance too.  I wish I could be a fire fighter.
By Zaine
9 June 2015

Always be firewise – remember the rules – Get down, get low, get out fast!”  Today the fire fighters came to our school.  They told us a lot about smoke and fires.  It was very exciting!  The brave, important firefighters had a red fire engine that was very speedy.  I think fire fighters are super heroes. 

After morning tea, Mrs Woods told us that the fire fighters were talking to a class and just then … the fire fighters radios went off so they went running out of the classroom to their fire engine.  The fire fighters went speeding along the road until they got the their problem.  It was so fun!

By Coral
9 June 2015

The fire truck came to our school today.  The fire engine is red. We hopped in the fire fighter truck. 
Don’t play with matches – give them to an adult because they can burn you.  Candles start big fires.
The smoke is poisonous.  Get down, get low and get out fast!  We crawled out of the classroom. 
The phone number is 111.
By Kahpree
9 June 2015

Monday, July 13, 2015

Maths is Awesome

In Room 1 Maths is a favourite.  We are encouraged to "take the lid off" and try to go beyond.  This means attempting rich tasks that seem impossible, but with lots of encouragement, talking and doing, we manage to succeed.

We loved learning about Place Value and Odd and Even Numbers.  We are very proud of our Place Value Street and our Odd and Even Creatures.

Here an example of a rich task involving adding digits.  We really got good at recognising the patterns in the numbers.

Some more updates...

Our Matariki Cape

Wavy Art

We used different textures to produce these landscape pictures. 

Eric Carle Art

After reading some of Eric Carle's books, we used a variety of techniques to complete these art projects